The Internet can't decide if Grover is throwing the F-bomb or not

Grover? I thought his name was Yanny. What with that Versaceoid white and gold dress he’s wearing.


But is he going to make an official apology to the prime minister?

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OK fine but what does it mean that I misread that as “perhaps you need to cut back on your own vegetables.” ?


I heard “Bass bass bass…” like some Henchman in Mafia film trying to attract the attention of his Boss.

I just got to know one thing, do you come from a Black And White, or a Blue And Gold State.


Major Clanger would like you to know that he swore on children’s television


Libraries gave us power,
Then What Camera made us free

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I don’t know what it says about me that for all these weird effects (the dress, the shoes, Yanny/Laurel, etc.) I never perceive the illusory effect, I only see or hear it for what it is. I’m starting to wonder if I’ve got some kind of perceptual deficiency/superpower.


Weird. I saw this video the other day and could only hear the f-word. Today, no matter how many times i replay the video, I only hear the way it was intended.

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I watched with the words on the screen, I heard no fucking. I closed my eyes, and I heard no fucking.

Grover didn’t say it as it’s a kids shows. I think if anyone did hear it then my question to you is how often do you say fuck, fucked, fucking, etc.?

I can’t say, I don’t say it, but I can say I don’t indiscriminately say it either. I’m wondering if that may also be a factor.

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listened multiple times watching and not watching - no Fbomb. You all are brain damaged.


Sadly ever since the story broke about how Ren & Stimpy’s creator is a serial sex predator I can’t see jokes about artists inserting adult content into children’s media as cheeky and subversive - it feels like grooming.

It’s my understanding this is just an audio artifact but even joking about putting adult material into a kids show squicks me out nowadays. Maybe I’m just sensitive, but stuff like this doesn’t make me laugh anymore.

(Ren and Stimpy was famous forgetting one over on the censors and combined with the creator’s extracurriculars it takes on a very dark tone in retrospect

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What the hell is your point here? How is a weird audio artifact the same as Kricfalusi’s predatory behavior towards teenaged girl?


Sadly, we will never know since there is no way to listen to the video without watching it at the same time.


This is not that surprising. People say that Grover is the rudest, most foul-mouthed of the muppets when off-camera. His drunkenness, drug use and abuse of castmates and crew have set the place on edge for the past couple of years. Even Animal can’t reason with him anymore. People have been willing to put up with it because he has maintained a veneer of professionalism, but since it has bled over into the show, he may well get kicked to the rag pile now.




Yes, but you’d be jaded too if your request for the hand to be warmed had been refused for this many years.


I’d be cranky too if I were a terrible waiter at the worlds worst restaurant.