The Kitchen Cube might just bring you back to cooking again

Forget it, Jake - it's the boingboingshop


I have been warned that my account will be permanently cancelled if I criticize Boing Boing Store product descriptions for being misleading or outright wrong, or if I discuss the moral character of those who mislead or lie to us - so I will not do those things about this product.

I do respect Boing Boing’s need to make a living for it’s employees. I sometimes wish they did it with more respect for us.

Kitchen scales are great and all, but I’ve been cooking for decades, and I seldom worry that I don’t know exactly how many grams of whatever I’m adding to my dish. Volume is quick and easy for most things. I will agree about an instant-read thermometer, though, especially one with a long probe, especially especially if that probe has a heatproof cord attached for monitoring food without opening the oven door.

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The thermometer might only to be essential for those who cook with meat, though, because I don’t have one and my vegetarian and vegan cooking and baking‘s just fine.


If I were to run a shop - which I won’t, because I fear that is a lot of work - I‘d listen to what my actual customers say and put those things in stock they would happily buy.

Maybe I‘d even start selling coffee to those folks who just come by to have a chat about how awful my wares are as long as I find that amusing and it doesn’t hurt my business too much.

It seems the products in the shop are simply not targeted at the people who hang out in the forums.

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