The Last Jedi thread (spoilers inside)

No porgs were harmed in the making of this comment.
Well maybe a couple of them.
They are kinda tasty when roasted just right.
OK a great deal many porgs were harmed.


Here is an explanation in comic form




It’s fun to speculate where a story might be going, but it should be pretty clear by now that they’re just making it up as they go along so maybe it’s just not worth it? I know this makes it harder for us to geek out over Star Wars but I’m certainly not going to put in more effort than the people actually making the movies.

It was fun, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, and maybe that’s the key to enjoying movies in a post Suicide Squad world. Low expectations.

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Although that was unsolicited and fairly irrelevant info, it does bring up a valid point; I’m personally against giving Disney any of my hard earned money if I can help it yet I still wanted to see the new SW film. Solution? Prepaid movie tickets that I won in a Halloween raffle at my job.


Well, the first three were “made up as they went along”, with the scripts being rewritten dramatically on-set. JJ Abrams has said that there’s an overall arc and storyline in place for this trilogy, so while small unimportant elements (like Snoke) are at the whim of the director/writer of each movie, it’s not like they just started filming and said “oh well, we’ll figure out who this Rey person is in 2020!”


Good point! Although it’s getting increasingly hard to avoid giving money to disney if you like almost any popular culture. They keep eating up franchises… They own the Muppets, Pixar, the MCU, and Star Wars now… I’m sure I’m missing more, but those all produce great films/shows.

But I suspect that was not what the person I was responding to meant. I suspect it had more to do with the supposed “political” bent of the new film.


They just bought Fox. No jive. :frowning:

I love Pixar and Star Wars stuff, but damn… they had to go and do it, didn’t they?



Oh, fer sure.

Some people just gotta throw shade…

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Episode IV worked great as a standalone movie, and once they knew they could make more they did a great job in getting the story to work as a trilogy. They’re not doing that here. We might still be surprised though so its fair to speculate, but at this point I accept that the original trilogy tells a good story really well but 6 movies later we’ve yet to see the same level of storytelling.

The film has to stand on it’s own, and while I think people made a bigger deal out of Snoke than the movie did, they did make Rey’s hope for reuniting with her parents a central part of her character as well as driving her conflict between leaving and staying on Jakku,
Problem is I’m fine with finding out Rey isn’t special because of her parents.
I enjoyed the movie for the most part, and I’m still on board with seeing the next one but if we’re to take this plotline seriously, it leaves us with the problem that either she’s princess Mcskywalker/Ben Solo’s Sister and we’re back to midichlorian territory or JJA made a big deal out of Rey’s lineage over nothing.
I’ll be pleasantly surprised if there’s a third option.

It’s still worth watching on the big screen though, I watched it in 3D and it was a lot of fun. I think this movie laid the groundwork for an epic space opera, but this is the third movie now and I just doesn’t look like they’re trying to make anything too coherent.


Strongly disagree, and I think it misses the entire point.

In canon we don’t actually know when Snoke appears, he sort of gets hinted at because someone is collecting all possible relics of Vader (turns out it was likely to create Kylo Ren).

The reason I think she is nobody is because we don’t see what she saw in the mirror, and they took the information from her.

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In my view, this was why punk mattered and continues to matter. Authenticity is a questionable construct, but the idea of creating culture that isn’t controlled by very large and powerful corporations matters, even more now than before. It’s how different ways of looking at the world get through.

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I found this interesting, in relation to the reaction to TLJ:

Yay for archives!


Just as a follow-up: The Mary Sue has some pieces about Rey as Mary Sue, gender and racial issues and… Behold… Another Sith apprentice.

This is going to be fun. Brace yourselves for whatever resolution is being presented in the next episode… Well, you know where to find me.

Luke also mentioned that a few of his students left with Kylo Ren, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the next movie reveals the “Knights of Ren” as a group of force-adept followers akin to the Death Eaters from Harry Potter.


Was thinking in the same line. Just by the way, does any of the films ever explain the Praetorian guards? I’m not talking about spin-offs, just cinematography is allowed.

Do they really need any explanation though? I always figured they were just a highly elite group of bodyguards, kind of like the Swiss Guard that protects the Pope.

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