Originally published at: The lioconcha heiroglyphica is a species of clam that looks like it's covered in symbols | Boing Boing
When you crossreference it with the calligraphy beetle and the hieroglyph moth, you can begin to crack the code.
That looks like the kind of patterns cellular automata create. Nifty!
it also looks like failed attempts at a Sierpiński triangle!
Don’t open it, you’ll summon Zuul.
There is no edgore. There is only Zuul…
Stephen Wolfram discussed the likely source of this patterning in his ‘New Kind of Science’ tome…
The Conus litteratus or Lettered Cone shell is even more striking:
The one I have looks like a scroll of paper covered with Hebrew letters. I’ve always thought it was trying to say “don’t touch me” because they’re quite venomous.
That’s always been my contention.
This could easily be mistaken for a piece of discarded clay used for practicing cuneiform.
Looks like a design you’d see on some Mesoamerican pottery.
In fact that is a pattern easily created by cellular automata too. I mean, plainly not with infinite self-similarity. But with each new row, have cells be 1 if one of the neighbors to the up-left and up-right are, and 0 if both or neither are…and then a single 1 will grow into something ever more similar to a Sierpiński triangle.
I imagine something similar is happening as these shells grow, but less exact. It’s a pretty result.
So probably not junior-clam graffiti-artists, which was my first theory.
I think they’re trying to say hello. Yes, I’m being silly. I just love seeing how all kinds of creatures develop complex patterns. IIRC someone recorded a video of a beetle that happens to have a near mirror finish to their shells that makes them look more like a metal sculpture than a living being. Nature loves to do weird stuff.
Wolfram 30 in action
Not Rule 34?
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