Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/20/the-makeshift-coronavirus-hosp.html
Young Master Graham apparently does not understand the meaning behind the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Most Xtians don’t know understand who this Jesus guy is.
Jesus’s love, it would seem, is conditional and has lots of strings attached.
I’m trying to find that part in the Gospels where Jesus heals the leper, but asks him if he’s gay before agreeing to heal him.
What happens when a patient’s same-sex spouse needs to make medical decisions or needs staff to facilitate a last video visit?
Hey just to clarify: being evangelical is the opposite of humanitarian.
Humanitarian means that you focus on serving people. Evangelical means you focus on serving God.
The Bible itself says you can’t serve two masters.
Any evangelical humanitarian effort must fail at being either evangelical or humanitarian in order to serve one of the two opposing philosophies.
Don’t mind seeing it brought up again, but old news to be certain.
It also says that serving others is serving God. Matthew 25:34-46
Well at least one stupid interpretation of Jesus’ love. There are infinitely many incorrect interpretation of a religion’s tenants. I gave up trying to find a correct one, because nobody would believe me if I did find it.
Organised religion:
I have found that Red Letter Christians, Christian socialists and Christian anarchists (who are a subset of Christian socialists) are mostly OK.
I have no desire to go back to religion, but they are comrades in a positive sense.
Okay, so which do you believe? Jesus, or his dad? They’re both word of God. They can’t both be right though.
Skip to the bottom line. If he’s doing it with his own money, go for it.
If he’s getting government money, he is breaking the law. Why is that so hard to understand?
Some long-haired anticap rabble-rouser, as best I can tell.
You would think that, but a lot of these same people have no trouble accepting and internalizing when Trump or the GOP take opposite stances on the same subjects, or contradict themselves hours later. Double standards come standard with that group.
how is it 2020 and this still a thing? insanity
then there is pence’s endless BS which is now somehow buried and not mentioned every time he speaks and another critical person is trump’s appointment to head the CDC is apparently a piece of work himself, how can you possibly be head of CDC and a bible thumper without dooming the entire country?
I disagree with this - I think what Samaritan’s Purse is doing falls right in line with the parable. The whole point of the parable (from my understanding of it, anyway) is that it doesn’t matter if someone is “other” - if they hold a different place in society, if they have different beliefs, or if they are “unclean” - you should still help if you can.
Samaritans were hated by most Jewish people of that day, so the fact that the Samaritan man was willing to help someone who probably hated him is the point. He didn’t let personal beliefs impact his duty to his fellow man.
From all that I’ve read of Samaritan’s Purse, they help anyone without asking questions. So even someone who vehemently disagrees with their beliefs (which would include the beliefs of their employees/volunteers who sign the purity pledge or whatever) still gets medical treatment. That actually fits the parable pretty well.
I’m not advocating for the organization itself - I don’t really know much about it - but setting up a hospital to help anyone in need actually sounds like the Good Samaritan from the Bible.
Most US Evangelical Xtians wouldn’t even open the door if this guy knocked, even if he were wearing a coat and tie.
And they certainly wouldn’t give him a drink of water, even if he were dying of thirst.
Most US-taliban-style Xtians think he’s an illegal immigrant from Mexico, stealing their jobs.