The most mysterious radio signal in the world

Wired did a piece about it a few years ago.

Does Command 531 involve adding tea to someoneā€™s polonium?

You joke, but there is a blooper in one of the Conet Project recordings, although I canā€™t recall which one exactly, I do remember itā€™s in English, American accent, not British.
While a girl recites sets of four numbers, she stumbles a bit, says ā€œI say againā€ and repeats the previous set. You can tell that she got very nervous when that happened.

Been there, my man, since over a decade ago in the original Irdial/Hyperreal page which is still around, and contains a bunch of other, assorted oddities. Conet has the prefix 59.
Anyways, the ā€œarchive dot orgā€ link is better organized, but what the hell, it looks like Slashdot!

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