Originally published at: The mystery of ⍼, a Unicode character of unknown purpose | Boing Boing
Line goes down!
I always label my vials of adrenochrome with that one. I hope I’m in line with current satanic new world order style guides.
Can we just use it as a generic symbol for cryptocurrency?
Looks like electron tunneling from a potential well
You mean to say there’s only ONE useless Unicode character?
It might be a symbol for an attempt to do a Scandinavian flick with an awful timing. A handful of rally journalists could save some time if they would start using this this symbol.
“Didier’s day started miserably after he experienced ⍼ in the 3rd special stage”. He dropped several places due his mistake.
The article notes that it is very similar to the “linking sigil” used by chaos magicians to connect places or situations of magikckal power. It just needs the addition of a dot and some extra arrowheads, which could probably be achieved through the use of combining diacritical marks already present in Unicode (e.g. for Vietnamese script).
So there may well exist a 10- to 16-byte string that could short out the entire magkikckal fabrick of the interknet, with a result much like the Season 5 finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
TL;DR: He gave up investigating when the research would have required more than googling (ie. phoning people to see who might have paper records of the character requests). No judgement on that- he’s a CS student, not a reporter. Conclusion is that it was imported with large random sets of characters from other standards at the start of Unicode, which were themselves filled with weird user-generated cruft because they were less well curated than Unicode itself now is.
Somewhere out there an artist with a rather boring name is looking at this symbol and thinking “Hmmmm”.
It’s a neo-Nazi symbol, isn’t it?
Hazard symbol for “Electrical charge may exit container, boundary or barrier. Not an insulating surface.”
Just made that up.
Be careful: when used in the correct context, Angzarr indicates to the Simulators one’s desire to leave the Simulation.
It’s the recognition symbol for Russian forces invading (insert name of country).
Oh, right; neo-Nazis.
The conclusion seems to be that the name was derived from an inscrutable symbol in some ancient document, but if I was just given the description “right angle with downwards zigzag arrow”, I might very well draw something like this.
Isn’t it the logo for the band Satan’s Lover? I mean, it even has the pointy tail on the “S”
Has anyone printed three of them out and then looked at the reflection of them in a mirror?