The naked hypocrisy of Game Of Thrones’ nudity

This is bad while your other post “Guess the Bicep” is ok.?
May not be nude but still objectifying.


Unbalanced? Maybe. Emulative of an underlying and pervasive trope of society? Perhaps. Lazy recapitulation of agreed on norms in a show known for pushing other boundaries? I can live with that.

Bad? Sir, you are the thought police and I claim my five dollarpounds.

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The “male gaze” is not just a product of patriarchal social context. It exists as a biological necessity in many species.
To end it is as likely as ending testosterone.
All men are different as are all women. Some are more prone some less. We can program ourselves to not follow all our instincts some of the time but I’m afraid that’s as far as we’ll ever get. Sorry if that’s not what you want to hear but its true.

GOT does a good job of playing off progressive (unhistorical) female characters against characters that appeal to the base human (traditional) instincts . And I’m all for more male nudity ballance. But it remains to be seen if legs open shots would add more than they would take away.

And yes I stand by the legs open female = male willy comparison. Both would be arrested down Wilshire Boulevard.

That would have been better form than attempting to doxx her. Which may not have been what you were intending – but what it looked like.

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Next on HBO: Full Frontal Shakespeare

A television landmark on the making, the Bard’s most famous works are given the X rating by combining masterful performances and equal naughty bits exposure.
Image shows Juliet at her balcony flashing her breasts to Romeo whose penis has been digitally enlarged to match Juliet’s volume, for equality sake. Also, dragons.


I think you might have won the thread…

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Troma beat them to it:

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At this point in the thread, I’m proud to say I’m 100% fast-forwarding all that pesky text just to see the fun pictures people come up with.


Whoah. I missed that one.

He’s got a point, though – and it’s probably biologically connected with the need to shout “f****t” at other gamers over headsets. So many people do it in enough different states that it’s got to be biological.



Yep, no doubt. Completely biological /s… Frankly, I’m getting really tired of these lazy “evolutionary biology made me do it” justification for shitty behavior.


Hi. I’m pretty much in agreement in your take on nudity in GoT.

One thing that bothered me is that you commented twice on the historical inaccuracy of the nude women’s body grooming.

Game of Thrones is not about a real world for which we have external information sources. It’s about a fictional world created by the TV producers and the author.

It’s unfair to criticize a show for being historically inaccurate when it depicts another planet (or reality – not clear, really) for which we don’t have a real history.

Do men and women in 4th-century AC* Westeros shave their bodies or not? They made up the world, so it’s only fair to let the author and producers decide.

  • After the Conquest. Yeah, it’s a thing.

That said, it’s totally fair to criticize them for use or over-use of nudity. Just not the “historical accuracy” part.

So, if Jon Snow starts using a cell-phone to communicate with… whomever, that’s cool, because: dragons?

The much more common biological necessity in most species is that the male must work his butt off to convince the female he’s worth being her mate. The “female gaze”, as it were, is the norm.


work not weights

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He’s texting with his sweetie north of the wall… I wonder how reception is up there…



Apparently I can “like” about once every 5-10 attempts. Fortunately, it worked this time!

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