The naked hypocrisy of Game Of Thrones’ nudity


I dare you, double dog dare you to read Questions.


He should ease his way into it, start with something small, like Remembrance of Things Past.

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No, ease yourself in by reading Ulysses. Backwards.

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Am I the only one who finds the censorship of the included images contrary to the spirit of Boing Boing? Just sayin’.

In some ways, it’s kinda distracting. I’ve found myself watching … and waiting, and … oh, there it is. The nude scene. Right then, can we get on with the story now?




Thanks for clearing that up for me.

You are far more patient than I am. I usually just go and punch my Dilbert Boss figure instead of replying.


Sorry, you’ve lost me. Why is @milliefink wrong? Are you really arguing that there is an equal amount of male nudity depicted in the show, and that it is unreasonable to assert that female nudity is depicted for the sole purpose of titillation?

It seems pretty obvious to me that this is not the case, and the books certainly didn’t focus much energy on describing the female form as depicted in brothels, so I think the OP is very much on point.

Or maybe you are just referring to the handful of scenes depicting male nudity that clearly offer no counterpoint whatsoever to that argument. Which is a bit silly, isn’t it?

Edit: Just realised my response to this early point has come 450 posts into the thread. Please disregard my hastily contrived drop in this large ocean of mud. I’m sure it has been hashed out deep in the darkness here somewhere. I’m going outside to get some fresh air.


You could while away an hour conferrin’ with these flowers and consultin’ with the rain in this thread:

…but you have summed up the salient points well enough, so your time is probably better spent with that fresh air.


Sounds like fun but I think maybe I’d rather stab myself in the forehead with a rusty fork. :slight_smile:


Does anyone else catch a whiff off …



Ulysses is far less repetitive. This is like reading a play by play of Wimbledon.


“a historically inaccurate detail that for some reason doesn’t seem to bother the show’s fan base.”

Uh… guys. Not only is the Game of Thrones fiction it is fiction placed in a fictional world. If anyone thinks the world in GoT has anything to do with or any resemblance to actual history, I’m going to have to disillusion you. It doesn’t!

Well… I’m ok with women being naked as part of the decoration tbh. Having naked men would not make any sense in the context of the show.

Unfortunately, when it comes to watching TV, feminist viewers too often have to compromise

You could also just not watch any show that makes you compromise.

We don’t judge Macbeth in the context of our current societal mores because it was written in 1606.

Game of Thrones was filmed in the last five years. I don’t think holding it up to the standards of the last five years is too big a chronological stretch.

But you’re being rather dinsingenuous when you say we shouldn’t fret over “the ratio of male to female nudity” because it might “somehow redress… inequities”.

The ratio of male to female nudity is the inequity we’re addressing. It arises from the idea that women are decorative (because men like to see them), but men are not (because who the fuck cares what women like to see).

How the hell else can we address it than to call it out in the places where it happens?


Yeah, like what kind of GUY would get naked in a brothel? Everyone knows that whoring is a spectator activity undertaken exclusively by fully-clothed men.

And of COURSE it stands to reason that the audience would need to have frequent scenes with full-body shots of Daenerys Targaryen bathing herself to better understand her character, but showing a guy washing his naked body just wouldn’t make any sense. Audiences would just get confused and distracted with questions like “why would a man take off his pants to get in the tub?” or “what is that dangly thing between Petyr Baelish’s legs?”


Please list the jurisdictions in which nudity is not legal, but a woman with no clothes below the waste will not be arrested as long as her vulva was nicely hidden.

You appear to feel that there are many. But I do not think a woman would be wise to take your word for this. The world does not use the same definition of “nudity” you are trying to push here, or of “genitalia”.