Originally published at: The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Twitter account trolls Leonardo DiCaprio | Boing Boing
I need the job of writing witty, scathing tweets. My talent is wasted on my handful of friends.
Did Leo break up with a not-young-enough young lady recently? I just noticed on Twitter recently a spate of various tweets about people/things being too old for him, and I figured something must have triggered it.
She’d just turned 25, if Memory serves. The Intarwebz insists he always dumps them when they turn 25.
Sorry, old lady from Titanic. You can romanticize that one-night-stand all you want but even if he hadn’t frozen to death in the North Atlantic there’s no way in heck you would have had more than a couple years together.
Yeah, tumblr’s fulla charts like that, and memes like the one @anon87143080 has posted. XD
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