The plan was to use military to put down any opposition to Trump staying in office after election loss

“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States.”

Pence: feeble, lame, and late; milquetoast to the end.


One of the pro-Jan.-6th-insurrectionist talking points conservatives make is “protest is a 1st amendment right.”


Oh, at the time I was worried they would do something like this, but when it didn’t happen, I assumed they were too incompetent to plan it out - not that they were simply too inept/disorganized to pull it off or had actually planned it then chickened out.


“Minorities need not apply”


I think it’s a goddamn miracle that reps or senators weren’t injured or killed by the mob. If the Capitol Police had been less effective, I don’t believe the red hats would have necessarily distinguished the party affiliation of their victims. The gutless GOPs huddled in hiding during the riots, then relocated their courage and tried to obstruct the vote count, and later denigrated the officers that saved their worthless asses. They are beneath contempt.


I Know Yes GIF


I think that’s been pretty clear since the Jan. 6th hearings. I’m wondering why more people did not watch them, as they were very enlightening.

doctor who GIF

They made shirts and everything for that possibility. They WANTED it, in fact. They SAID so…

But overthrowing the government is NOT protected speech. Smith said as much in his very short announcement yesterday. This was not a protest. It was an attempted coup. As has been clear since the hearings.

Nope. It was because of good work by the capitol police. I’m certainly no backer of the blue, but they saved the god damn country by their actions. It was no miracle, it was the work of good people who did all they could to protect the seat of government in incredibly difficult circumstances.


And for the most part, not very good at sucking up to the generals.


I think it was both very good work from the Capitol police, and some good luck. AIUI, things got incredibly close to the point where there would have been bloodshed. Whether it would have been the rioters and insurrectionists attacking the legislators, or maybe Pence’s Secret Service detail having to shoot half a dozen attackers, I have no idea, but it would have been very ugly.


And you can be sure that people more competent than Trump have taken notice.


Maybe some good luck, but mostly people putting their lives and bodies on the line to save lives. I really think we need to emphasize that point, that shit doesn’t just “happen” in the world. People take actions, and when those actions end up in the violence we saw on Jan. 6th, it’s really not cool to just focus on the “miraculous” part, as some here have done. It’s a real fucking insult to people who died that day defending democracy.


The right wing has been showing its contempt for the military for decades, they’re just a lot more open about it now. Yeah, the military as a whole leans a bit conservative, but that’s old school conservative and when it comes down to it, the personnel are quite aware the support the GOP and other right wing shitbags offer is all talk.(Ex: Apparently repeatedly slashing the budget of the VA hasn’t been going over very well with those that may come to depend on that care once they’ve been used up and broken.)


Big Brother Popcorn GIF by Pop TV

Getting interesting now…


I think he actually meant “Violence necessary to protect the Republican.”

Hope that helps.


My first thought on seeing the video of that woman who disobeyed all orders and tried to climb through the window to get at the legislators getting shot as a last resort, and seeing all the people around her openly shocked that there was going to be potentially lethal pushback from authorities for their actions, was that it probably single-handedly saved massive bloodshed. That group was being held back by only one officer, and the door they were trying to breach lead directly to all the legislators and their staff. He made it clear they were not going to be allowed through.

And we still don’t know what she was carrying in her backpack.


It is. But they overlooked one word in the text of the First Amendment. No one (who isn’t trying to blow smoke up everyone’s asses; staring at you Paul Gosar and Andrew Clyde) would qualify the January 6th protesters as assembling peaceably to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


FWIW I’m not defending the logic, rather pointing out how obviously false and hypocritical it is.

It’s like how before the election conservatives were griping “when Trump wins the radical left will go apeshit and get violent!”

Trump lost, and predictably his own cult members went apeshit and got violent.


What are you talking about? There is no protest. It’s just your “normal tourist visit” /S


Yeah, that was the point where I realized more things were going on behind the scenes than were obvious on Jan 6th itself. It’s been a non-stop series of revelations that made me realize, “Oh, they were thinking about doing X, but just… didn’t.” What Trump was doing publicly at the time, even if successful, wouldn’t have had the outcome he was hoping for, but pieces of the narrative were missing.

Oh sure - and they made it clear long before Jan 6th. But it wasn’t clear they actually had a real path to get there. Up until now it’s seemed more like white supremacist notions of “race war,” where they think they only need to perform some arbitrary action and suddenly all sorts of “like-minded people” will be coming out of the woodwork and actually make it happen. The plans are absurd because they don’t operate in the same… reality as the rest of us. Apparently team Trump was operating in reality just enough to potentially create a situation that would have forced just such a situation. (Though I’m not sure, ironically, that they were expecting that level of push-back to their takeover in that scenario…)

Also Trump realized his biggest mistake was in not purging every possible federal position and inserting his flunkies who wouldn’t push back against unconstitutional actions.


Yeah, you can’t let them get two swings at this. They won’t miss a second time.


They do believe that. They believe that they are the silent majority of white Americans. They think that sharing a skin color means that you are in support of white supremacy, but are too “scared” of being called racist to say so. All you have to do to find this shit out, is to be white, be around them when it’s just white people, and they’ll let you know. They are surprised when it’s pushback coming from other white people. And this was confirmed for them when Trump was elected, and he clearly agreed with their world view.

Doesn’t mean that they’re not a danger to the country. Which should have been abundantly clear from the time of the OKC bombing in the 90s… Law enforcment should have been breaking up these networks since then, but they did not, and then got distracted by spying on mosques and breaking up those “networks” (which really did not exist in any measurable way) instead.