Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/17/the-san-diego-zoos-tapir-makes-some-new-capybara-friends.html
All three of these links just go to the tiktok video in the post, which doesn’t show a single capybara. Am disappoint.
Oh, good, it isn’t just me then. I’M OWED SOME FREAKIN’ CAPYBARA HERE!!! Also, why is there no Capybara Emoji? Surely that’s one of the most basic requirements of any Emoji set; plus a Puke Emoji.
Contributed by Jennifer Sandlin
Thank you, that’s very kind.
Let’s brainstorm new collective nouns for capybaras.
A relaxation of capybaras
A gentility of capybaras
Sure. I guess “capybarapocaclypse” wouldn’t convey the kinder, gentler, more optimistic post-apocalyptic future over whatever the hell this is:
Apologies in advance for Godwining the cute animals thread.

A chillness of capybaras.
Capybara chaser!
Yes, there are capybara, but tapir
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