The SCOTUS decision to let California demand the pork industry become slightly less cruel is pretty important

Ah yes, thanks for the reminder!

That was my first clue a friend was going off the deep end but didn’t want to appear too right-wing: she’d talk about tort reform being a major concern of hers. Until, one day, she never mentioned it again.


“what do we want? tort reform!”
“when do we want it?” now!"

it scans but it was always a hard one for the marketing team i think.

( “parent’s rights” – now there’s a winner :cry: )


Another clue is if you dig into the issue with that person, it turns out they don’t actually know anything about it. They are regurgitating talking points that they’ve been given on topics they’ve been told to be angry about. They don’t think that’s what they’re doing of course. They believe they have simply learned information about an important topic and are reacting rationally to it. This is the power of echo chambers.

Of course he does. He’s a rapist. There is no other system besides minority rule in which “I am an alcoholic who will rape women if the opportunity presents itself” is the key that unlocks the most powerful positions in the country. Broad consensus tends to be that people prone to major lapses of judgement have bad judgement. He is where he is because tyranny over women and rape and murder is what the GOP promised its minority base and they put his corrupt ass there because a man like that is easy to control. Just ask Clarence they are cut from the same shit-stained cloth.

The supreme court is a fucking cesspit.

To be clear I agree that pigs shouldn’t be raised that way and California should be allowed to regulate the food that is raised and sold in their state… I just also have lost all trust in the court.


possibly explaining Jackson’s opinion

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No, not in this case. As she is highly intelligent, and knows me to be as well, she knew to use an argument with a face-saving possibility of being a true ‘concern’. In her line of work, it was a point she could argue. It wasn’t true (the Republican understanding of tort reform wouldn’t have made her work situation better) but at least it wasn’t obviously cloud-cuckoo-land.


Ah, interesting! Yah, that’s a tough one. You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into either, so discussing it with her was probably pointless.

There’s an effect where right wing talking points make their way into all levels and flavours of discourse, even on the left. Tort reform was a good example of that. At the height of the moral panic over that, even some of my lefty friends were ranting about the McDonald’s coffee thing.

My hypothesis is that this is because of how well focused and signal-boosted the right wing message is. They’re very good at crafting talking points with surface validity, then screaming those talking points over and over until everyone is repeating them and nobody knows where they came from. It becomes “a thing everyone just knows”. Manufactured consent.


Oh they’re still pushing tort reform. It’s just not getting press coverage.

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right, well - take that florida insurance bill at the top of the results. that doesn’t sound like it was argued on principles, it seems like a bill by and for lobbyists. and any discussion about it has been drowned by their flood of racist and homophobic laws

so they’ve chosen one set of issues to play up over another. not for ideological purity - but to further crony capitalism and their own power.

even their christian facism is less about what they can do for god than what they can convince others to do in the name of that god

that said, i do think you’re right that it’s interesting to see how the court lands when there’s an issue the far right hasn’t yet weaponized. ( though there seem fewer and fewer of those each passing day )


Yeah, I’m just saying they absolutely have not dropped tort reform. The right wingers are still pushing that shit. The media just isn’t giving it much attention because tort reform is kind of boring compared to everything else the right is doing right now. My comment was as much a criticism of the media as of the right.


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