Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/06/warren-gardner-420.html
Step 1: remove from Schedule I category
Step 2: it’s legal now!
Step 3: tax, regulate and profit
Step 4: enjoy!
I’m going to change my name to Smokey McPot the day that happens.
Glad to see she brought up the Tenth. That should invalidate all federal drug laws, not just weed.
The juxtaposition of the bare breasted woman and Elizabeth Warren is well … Mmmm … something.
Where’s that drone pipe?
Their goal is to “ensure that each state has the right to determine for itself the best approach to marijuana within its borders,” per an advisory from Warren’s office sent out Wednesday.
If you: A) live in Kansas,
B) are a person of color, and/or
C) smoke marijuana,
I’d get out now before the Kochs lobby to make pot an executable offense.
ETA: I have to amend {but not fully reverse) my statement. Apparently, Koch Industries supports less draconian punishment now for drug-related offenses, but it’s considered to be part of a private push to create a more permissive atmosphere that would allow the conglomerate to benefit in other arenas of business and influence-peddling. i still don’t trust them as far as I could throw them, which isn’t very far. Let the spice flow…
Kinda already happening smokey.
Wait. Didn’t you just warn people to stay away from FB?
I would think it would pass, you don’t get any more State’s Rights & federalism than " [let the states figure it out] "
Chalk up another for “cognitive dissonance.”
Yeah, it’ll be fun watching the tenthers choke this one down
Marijuana patchwork quilt, it’s legal here it’s legal there, but if you step wrong. . .
You can count on a no vote for this from Dianne Feinstein, though. She has been opposed to even medical MJ.
Kind of click baity picture… I mean… it worked, but a little dissapointing, boing boing
I wish they could have come up with a weed acronym for the name of the bill. “Granting Accountability for Narcotics Jurisprudence in America”?
Why do I suspect that the usual crowd who’s constantly crapping on about “state’s rights” will not back this one…?
Why get on this bandwagon? Support this and you’ll find yourself called a hypocrite when the other side demands that each state should decide for themselves on same sex marriage and gun laws.
This will unfairly hurt my prison business!
Diversity of tactics.
I think because a few former (John Boehner) and soon-to-be former politicians are deciding to flip and cash in while they can. There’s not such a short and direct line from same-sex marriage to profits as there is with pot.