The second T in Toronto is silent—isn't it?

Oh, great. Now the BBS will add another ■■■■■ word.


Is the endgame of this thread to send Mxyzptlk back to the 5th dimension?

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“It’s spelled ‘Luxury-Yacht’, but it’s pronounced ‘Throatwobbler-Mangrove’.”


Not in the nearest Toronto to me. Despite living in the area for a very long time, I still don’t know how to pronounce “Kyo” or “Wallish Walls”.

As we’ve (inevitably) got on to British names, I’d also like to recommend this Map Men video:

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Good Vid!

I’d like to add a couple:

Near me is the village of Ravenstone. Rawnston to the locals.

Also the small town of New Bradwell. Nope, Braddle.

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I hereby vote for the introduction of the word “Torontoise”, because of the confusion it would cause with Tortoise.

Alternative name for natives: Torontoners. Or just 'Toners.

Canadian comedians are free to steal my dumb ideas.


I lived in chranna for years and I still pronounce it Toronto from time to time. Just don’t pronounce Ottawa the way that that moron on Fox News does.

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It’s odd to realize that I generally pronounce it without the second T. Must have picked it up from SCTV and/or The Kids in the Hall.

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The rest of Canada has a lot of alternate names for Torontonians, but none that I would repeat here, nor do I endorse such behaviour. :grimacing:


Living on a different continent, I feel I am safely beyond the reach of most Torontonians who would like to slap me. My beef instead is really with all of those in Quebec who share my name, and keep using my Gmail to register their cars or whatever. My real name is one of those that is very popular in Quebec and in parts of New England, but rarely seen elsewhere. Not even in France.


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