The soft sexism of functioning pockets

About 20 years ago I summarized this topic for my young son. Afterwards, I submitted the summary to an early form of internet discussion called rec.humor.funny (a Usenet newsgroup):

A little pocket of oppression.
(chuckle, sex stereotypes, original, about 1994)

Last Sunday, I was waaaaaaiting for my son (7 years old) to get ready for church. Since I had him trapped, I decided it was time to discuss some of the ‘Facts of Life’ with him:

“Son, you have gotten old enough that you can be trusted with one of the Important Secrets of Manhood. You must never tell this secret to any women or girls.”


“You have probably noticed that most things are run by men. The boss is usually a man. Men usually get paid more than women. HOWEVER, there isn’t all that much difference between men and women.”

‘But what about…’

“OH that. That isn’t all that important. Are you any smarter than the girls your age?”


“And I am not any smarter than the women my age. And you know your mother could probably whip me in a fair fight. So, why do you suppose that men are usually in charge?”


“It is because we don’t play fair. We cheat. We men have lots of little tricks that we use to make sure that women don’t win. And I am about to tell you one of the Most Important!”




“It is true! Long ago, we men managed to convince the women that they would rather wear clothing that looked pretty, than wear clothing that worked right. And then we convinced the women that pockets were ugly. So, now, most women’s clothes don’t have pockets.”


“Well, check for yourself. How many pockets do you have?”

'1,2,3,4,5… ‘5’

“How many pockets in your sisters dress?”

‘… 0’

“How many pockets in my suit?”

‘1,2,3, … 13,14… 14!’

“How many pockets in your mothers dress?”


“If you don’t have any pockets, then you can’t carry important things. Important things like money, or keys, or tools. Men get to be in charge because they can get things done, while the women are still asking to borrow somebody’s keys.”

(Kid tries to escape, but I block the door.)

“Son, I want you to remember that if you wear clothes that don’t work right, then people will think you are Useless. They might even call you one of those nasty names that mean Useless like: Fashionable! or Chic!”

(Wife sweeps in.)

‘What is taking you two so long? Are you ready?’


“My that dress looks nice. May I zip it up for you?”


Are such manufacturing and design decisions made primarily by men?



Women’s clothing is not cut to handle the bulkiness of stuff in pockets. Putting something in a pocket, on those rare occasions when there IS a pocket, will make the clothing very uncomfortable to wear and often damage the item too.


handbags. to be carried in the hand.


I like that one also @wisconsinplatt.

If people near me think I’m concealed carrying, then that would probably be a point in my favor around here. They’ll assume I’m one of their in-group. Camouflage!


That’s not exactly cheap! And walking in it with the “pants” option seems like it would be bulky and rustle a lot.

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Some have shoulder straps. But I have never understood the lack of pockets thing. It sometimes enrages my wife, and I don’t blame her. But I suspect it is a stretch to assume that the lack of usable pockets is a plot to keep women from carrying keys or ID or whatever.
I tend to have a small backpack at hand, or at least one of these-

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I wish the styles at that website would work for me, but there’s something with each of them that makes me realize it’s not worth the effort to try. And I’m normal height and BMI, so it’s not an overall size thing (which I think they probably customize for just fine). It’s more that the styles don’t work for my body type, even customized. I would look like I was wearing a nice potato sack.


The “clutch” seems singularly useless to me


What’s the downside?


The real point of the concealed part is that people don’t see it. I guess looking like you are packing heat might discourage some unwanted attention. In my work, people sometimes dress “tactical”, and often wear those photographer’s vests with dark glasses. What they are doing is ensuring that they are the first to be attacked.

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And let’s not forget the curve of hips, which also affects the ability to wear straight-waisted bottoms.


ah, that’s too bad. I love the concept of the website and the prices aren’t bad, either, for what seems like quality stuff.


My mom always carried one, but she took many of her fashion cues from Jackie K-

And Grace Kelly-


Good for you. I used to do a little bit of business with a small company whose owner always wore natty suits and button-down shirts, but shirts that couldn’t ‘support’ a tie - yeah, sans lapels, often. I really liked his sense of style. Impeccably dressy, unique, and casual.

The funny thing is that the vast majority of this customers were in the schmatta business in Montreal. Those customers always wore boring black suits, white shirts, and ties. (Think of how many designers wear t-shirts and black jeans.) And they would comment about his lack of a tie. “But you’re in the fashion business!,” he’d reply. “I would have thought that you’d appreciate my clothes.”

The astonishing thing in your case is that the CEO had to get involved. Can’t all these highly-/overpaid-paid people make any decisions on their own?

/I know, I know, the reason they get paid so much is because of the risks inherent to their jobs…


Do your toy aisles look like this? (Nope, I didn’t think so!) Gendering is a huge deal in the U.S.


Those were the original “pockets”: hung or pinned, not part of the clothing but layered on top.


I often have to go through the hamper to find keys left in pockets.


Get in touch, I’d gladly make you a new one. :slight_smile:

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