Originally published at: The Star-Nosed Mole is one of Earth's most bizarre-looking creatures | Boing Boing
The Star-Nosed Mole is one of Earth’s most bizarre-looking creatures
Just after Roger Stone
*I know body shaming is wrong. But if making fun of Roger Stone’s head is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
Please tell me that photo has been altered. It looks far too much like Bill Griffith’s, Zippy the Pinhead an underground comix star also noted for distinctive attire.
nope gif, nope gif, nope gif
I remember this from Little Monsters
I think they’re kinda cute. I bet if you tickled that star spangled nose he’d be wiggly like a puppy having belly scritches.
We have them around our house. I’ve always thought they’re kind of cute, too. Never got the opportunity to tickle one, but if I do, I’ll let you know!
Oh, let me know as well, please. I have some vague memory to zoology lectures telling me that this nose appendages show the highest number of touch receptors per area known to date. I wonder if this still true - and or course what a star-nosed mole would feel if you tickle it’s nose…
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