The Texas woman charged with murder after taking an abortion pill sues hospital and sheriff

How ironic.

Yeah, in my field we have to redo HIPAA, online security and sexual harassment training every freakin’ year, and sometimes twice a year.

Though it’s tedious a/f, that repetition sinks in.

Frankly, the idea that someone with any access whatsoever to confident patient info is so incredibly poorly informed about how HIPAA actually applies is mortifying to me.


Pbs Nature Africa GIF


And they say that ignorance of the law is not a valid defence.

Of course, the majority of US police have a very short training course and don’t have time to learn the law.


Yeah, that’s the rub, eh? However, I’m becoming cautiously hopeful that Dems may be able to pull off a trifecta with such a strong top ticket against such a weak R ticket. Less than 100 days and we’ll see!


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