The "universal adversarial preturbation" undetectably alters images so AI can't recognize them


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Thanks! Lots of things I knew nothing about.


My first impression was “fox,” not horse, until I realized that that wasn’t a tail.

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Ah, ok. I was a bit surprised, thinking this was something new, and that no on had used a similar technique to get images specifically misidentified. But of course they have. I hope no one is counting on neural nets for reliable porn filters…


Machines hiding from machines…down the rabbit hole we go.


While wearing a feather boa and laughing all the while… Zoe was so bad ass!

My favorite companion. Wendy Padbury, who played her, became a theatrical agent, and ‘discovered’ Matt Smith.

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Honestly, for me, it’s a toss up between Zoe and Sarah Jane. Zoe was brilliant and I loved the interactions between her and Jamie. Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury together were a DELIGHT!

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