The US gave its client states hundreds of millions for anti-terrorism, then crooked UK military contractors ripped it all off

A cool story, but I doubt unattended crates would remain long enough for the soviets to stencil.


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Roger that!


So the end result was… not building a massive surveillance state in a couple of rather unstable countries. In cost/benefit terms, embezzlement might have been the best possible outcome here.


Could have just put in a few mobile towers and let them know about Facebook…


Might have been the best possible

I think I have some nihilist brokers and anticorruption surveillance states or test-driven accountancies who might disagree, but cranking out a LEED-platinum building and cert program and hardening Moto or Z-Tech products would be better than losing 500-ish million (anything) at a time. Does the Nerdist podcast come in Aramaic Blend? Add a Dagon, make it awesome?

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Did Hitch really work the Guillotine like that, or is this a clever composite?

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It is actually undergoing an audit this year (first ever).

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Well, to look on the bright side, I’m sure they’ve learned enough from this affair such that, next time they spew money trying to stem an insurgency resulting from a elective war they shouldn’t have been in the first place, they’ll spew much more wisely.
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So, not much has changed since NCC were caught with their hands in the till, three years ago. I guess they have spent the last three years stonewalling the investigation.

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You were thinking of the Dead Kennedys

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I may previously have indicated that I had doubts about the British business community’s ability to reattain our previous skills in ruthlessly exploiting our (former) colonial dominions in the post-Brexit world.

I take it all back.

This positive, heartwarming story is all the evidence I need that our economic future is in good hands. /s


I presume it is from an intro to an episode of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”.

Please note that the quote specifically did not say “A list of those responsible.” Do not assume these are the same thing. Don’t make any assumptions about the meanings of words and don’t assume small grammar changes are insignificant.

Or Russian. Although typically the “security companies” that were working in Iraq and Afghanistan hired their muscle out of the former Soviet Union, not their boards of directors. I assume that the authors based the term “UK company” on the nationality of the principals, because it is my understanding that Guernsey isn’t part of the UK. Rather they owe allegiance directly to HM the Queen.

Yeah, I read about that while I was searching for a different article about the way nothing in the Army’s procurement system is correctly accounted for.

I would guess that Cory wrote “UK military contractors” because he knew that New Century Consulting was founded by a former British Army colonel, while the article he linked to only mentioned that it was based on Guernsey.


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