The US starves its prisoners

I’m digging that subplot right now.

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Semantics time: when you write “The US” you are referring to the US Government and combined federal entities, not the underlying state and subsidiary government agencies thereof.

This is why Amnesty International strongly objects to domestic American prisons. We are an international scandals. That beacon-of-hope thing that politicians wax poetic about does not exist. Instead, we’re a story told to frighten people.


Thanks for posting about your acquaintance’s experiences.

I’ve been very lucky in staying out of trouble. Hopefully that will continue to be the case. I don’t want any first-hand knowledge about any of this.


I agree. Sorry I left off my snark tag.


Oh… I should have guessed, I guess!

“The US” can also refer to the territory presided by the US gov’t, as well as the people living in it depending on context. So, in context, “The US starves its prisoners” is a completely justifiable statement on at least one but probably more like two or three grounds.

I know, I know, that’s all just a bunch of semantics!

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