Originally published at: The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation is being auctioned off on eBay | Boing Boing
Also functions as a decorative ashtray or candy dish.
Pretty sure that’s an ashtray.
I’m not so keen you see, I already got one - it’s vera nice.
A decorative ashtray or candy dish–of DAMNATION!
My Nan used to keep her chocolate almonds in one of these.
Well, her almonds, at any rate.
Does it state the manufacturer anywhere in the listing? The last Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation that I bought came from Harbor Freight and it was good for a few uses but definitely not worth it as a long term investment.
…a candy dish of the DAMNED!
Seems a bit meh, but then I’m rather into chasting dishes and stuff.
Hmm, yes.
But could it perhaps be suitable as a vessel for cursed frogurt?
If you’ll only use it once or twice, three times max, do you really need to dish out for one of the better ones?
I’m morally opposed to disposable appliances. I remember as a kid, the various vessels and cauldrons and tomes of infinite suffering that my parents purchased were all sturdy, blocky, solid things that emanated evil through mechanisms you could actually take apart and look at. If one of the chalices went bad, you could repair it yourself! Or at least call the demonic presence down the street who you knew surely had the appropriate spell components in his basement laboratory, because he was the weird kind of imp who never threw away any eldritch materials. Nowadays every single phylactery is all digital and low profile and enclosed in an impenetrable and infernal plastic case so you can’t even service them yourself. Bah…end stage demonism, right?
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