The world is no longer willing to tolerate the plague of bullshit "agreements"

It’s part of your phone providers small text.

Wow! That’s some fantastic law right there.

Do people actually use that with any regularity to get out of contracts? As much as I love it it does look like the kind of law that would be difficult to use for the people it is meant to protect.

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I’m no lawyer but my line of work often includes matters of legal employment issues. §138 BGB comes up once in a while to void a cancellation agreement regarding the previous employment agreement. So yes, it’s difficult but probably used regularly.

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What if you add a payload of modifications to the agreement submission? Not your problem if they didn’t read it, right?

Ah. They’re stealing from people. (I didn’t know you could have a balance in your paypal account.)

Yeah, and I’ll even raise ya. This is just chickens coming home to roost. Those that grew up in the US in particular are inheritors of a long-standing tradition of forcing absurd “terms and conditions” on groups that are less wealthy/powerful. The real purpose, of course, is so the party that has the muscle can make themselves feel good by pretending that they have an “agreement”. This sort of “civilized” gangster-ism has even been forced on entire groups of people that are unable to read English in the first place! So, again, this is just another brick in the wall.

See also the relevant comments at the recent BB post: Native American Tribe to DHS: Keep your dumb border wall off our land


Not according to their TOS that you agreed to!

(And PayPal is not a bank, so they get a lot more flexibility in what they can and can’t do.)

There’s only one way (other than lip service) to manifest the lack of tolerance for these bullshit access to people’s data or, more precisely, private sector surveillance of a scope that is the subject of the NSA’s wet dreams: Reject them. Reject everyone who wants to suck your data for no good reason.
Is that happening yet? I see no sign of it.
Every other response is, well, bullshit.

Remember back when South Park was prepared to be satirical?

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