The Yale Record Does Not Endorse Hillary Clinton

I agree, which is why that was never an argument I made.

They are 20% of Congress and possibly less than that when you look at all the primary candidates on slate this election. There are statistics, and there are statistics that matter.


Encouraging women to run for office is not up to one person, and certainly doesn’t depend on the outcome of one race. There isn’t any girl out there who will think “I’m going to be President someday because of Hilla… wait, she lost? What a fucking loser. I’m going to cosmetology school!”

How long until we get the first gay president? Questions like this are exactly why milestones are important, because until we cross that threshold as a nation, the answer is “never”.


Sure, but there’s little point in getting super-pedantic about a little rhetorical flourish in a satirical essay.

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They said racism was over too and then we elected a black president.

Hah. You think this is super pedantic? You don’t know me at all! :slight_smile:

Saying a Hillary Clinton presidency will shatter the glass ceiling for once and for all isn’t a little rhetorical flourish, it’s a complete falsehood. It’s like saying electing Barack Obama will end racism once and for all, or electing Bernie Sanders will end anti-Semitism and anti-atheist bigotry once and for all. If someone said something like “I literally died”, I would think that a stupid turn of phrase, or as you put it, a “little rhetorical flourish”, but it wouldn’t detract from the message. This talk of shattering the glass ceiling for once and for all is playing the reader for stupid, so I have to object.


If you can’t even take a moment of satisfaction from major milestones then you’ll likely be so overcome with hopelessness and despair that you give up the race entirely.

If social and legal equality is a race then it’s a relay race passed from one generation to the next. The suffragettes and civil rights activists of a century ago knew they would never see the finish line but I certainly hope they had a sense of pride for how far they carried the baton forward.


Its a direct reference to speeches from the DNC. Specifically Michelle and President Obamas, where they both referenced multiple sorts of Glass Ceilings. Implying that lack of female representation in government was its own sort of Glass Ceiling. And The First Lady specifically referred to "putting those cracks in that highest and hardest glass ceiling ".


Whatever for?

Whatever for not? Just because people believe in it, it doesn’t mean there’s any real evidence for it. I suspect that no one has really even looked into it.

Electing Obama definitely wasn’t an indication that racism is dead, but it was an indication that “America is no longer SO racist that it is impossible for a black man to be elected President.” And that’s nothing to scoff at! No other predominately white country can yet make that claim.

So while I don’t expect Hillary’s Presidency will end sexism, I do look forward to living in a country that is no longer too sexist to elect a qualified woman to its highest office.


#The Yale Record Does Not Endorse Hillary Clinton

If they never endorse anyone anyway, then this is a non-topic; just business as usual.

Try looking at it from the perspective of being a “minority” who has historically been shat upon for hundreds of years; that tends to ‘color’ one’s perspective, greatly.

It’s easy to be dismissive when you already live on the plateau that others are still trying to reach.

I refuse to believe that.

At the very least, those systems end when mankind self destructs.



Did you read the “non-endorsement?”


Under no circumstances would I say that I absolutely love how fantastic this is.


I’m not white enough to plateau.


Embody STEM Stereotypes Hinder Women’s Anticipated Success in STEM?

Sapna Cheryan1⇓
John Oliver Siy1
Marissa Vichayapai1
Benjamin J. Drury1
Saenam Kim1

1Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Sapna Cheryan, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Box 351525, Seattle, WA 98195, USA Email:

Nope just the headline; I admit it.

Haven’t had my coffee yet, and I think I’ve finally hit my limit on negative energy; damn this root canal of an election cycle.

But you’re still male enough, I reckon.



Never should have killed Bathazar…or Charlie Bradbury.

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Wait… what?

Let me get my ass off to work and my first cup of coffee; I’ll be able to ‘brain’ better then.


Spoiler: it’s “not endorsing Hillary” in the same sense that Bob Parr “can’t do anything to help” the old lady who comes into the insurance office.