'There is no God': Stephen Hawking's final book has 'Brief Answers to the Big Questions'

It won’t be too late. I’ll give him time to explain himself.


To you? LOL. Now, that’s funny.

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What a surprise it will be when YOU meet Bidu, and it’s too late. Hope you like eggs, 'cuz they’re gonna be all over your face!


Why on Earth would it be too late? If the universe is created and ruled by a perfect being of love and wisdom, then under any reasonable definition of those words the last thing he/she/they/it would do would be to condemn someone to endless torment simply for not believing in them. Surely it would be more like, “Betcha feel stupid now, eh? Don’t worry about it, we’ve got the whole of eternity to get to know each other. Swing by later and I’ll show you what really goes on inside black holes.”


I laugh at how easily one believes in what another human says… and so quick to dismiss the fact that there is a God. God bless you all. :slight_smile:

But… it was just another human who said there is a God.


I still maintain that god is a mad scientist, and humanity is merely an experiment run amok.


You’re way off. Hawkings could say God is real, or the Easter bunny, or elves, or whatever, and my position remains – how do you know? Words in a book? Random events that are sometimes favorable? It just feels right? Because I was told too?
I don’t believe Hawking, I concur. I’m not quick to dismiss god, I’ve just seen the reasons that others find convincing and said, “really? that?” – a much abbreviated version of what I actually did. Great info on youtube (atheist experience and godless heathens to name just two).


So you are saying God is a vain, self-centered entity who is only concerned with coerced devotion. A being unworthy of respect or worship.

Man, your God is a tool.


Claims made without evidence are quickly dismissed. :slight_smile:


True story.


Why do you call it disastrous? If and when we become capable of interstellar travel, then based on our history there is a non-trivial chance we will destroy (or at least reduce to a condition of misery) some or all weaker alien civilisations we encounter. I don’t see there’s reason to be certain that any aliens that come to us are going to be different.

Columbus and his followers at least had the excuse that they didn’t know about germs. Any alien visitors that don’t care enough about us to enforce rigorous biocontamination protocols probably aren’t going to flinch at more direct methods of getting us out of the way.


I have a lot of respect for Stephen Hawking and look forward to seeing this book become a Documentary.
I have pondered Mr. Hawking’s statement; “There is no God” for a few years now and have come to the conclusion there may be a better way of stating what he is likely to mean.
“A God was not necessary in the creation of the Universe as we know it.”
The reason I say this is because Mr. Hawking’s phrase doesn’t account for infinity.

In what way does it not account for infinity, and how does this lack bear on the question of the existence of God?


Unless they are just harvesting us for food and are just going to load us up with preservatives.



Why is the story you were told about god different to all the other stories? Why is that not true of your story?

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hey, ‘Brief Answers’

But, yes, I agree that his answer is unhelpful because I already knew that.

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You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


*I am your God now." --Red to the prophet Jeremiah sand as he crushes his skull with his bare hands.