There was almost a Trump coup at DOJ, part of scheme to overthrow election

No, Pence is too slick to foment insurrection. He would just shove the country into being a Christian theocracy, special attention being paid to the end times.


I mean. This coup plan brought to you by the same people who who scheduled a “we’re not conceding” temper tantrum in front of the press at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. And then followed through with it when the election got called 5 minutes before the presser.

Also. This is the plan they axed in favor the President just calling the GA Secretary of State 18 times only to be told to go fuck a garden auger.

Don’t break yourselves trying to make sense of it.


Trump has already been very successful in that mission, appointing at least one christian dominionist to the SCOTUS.

It truly is court-packing time, although I doubt biden has the guts to do it.


Indeed. I’ve had maybe one extra beer more than necessary tonight, so I briefly forgot about the whole “these people are really fucking stupid” aspect. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Sadly, you’re probably right. Already, Democrats have a 51/50 slim majority. They should be ramming through every rule change imaginable and forcing Republicans out of key committees. But instead we have… “Unity.” In Biden’s own words, “gimme a break.”


In a traditional dictatorship, the president would just meet with the members of the DOJ and shoot the ones who refused to do his bidding until he found a taker. Then, that person would take some federal Marshall’s down to the recalcitrant Georgia officials, arrest them, and put them in a black site until they agreed to overturn the election results.

So, 45 just didn’t commit to the role. It’s his own fault.


Honestly, this is what kept my hope up the entire way through. He was always too lazy and cowardly to really commit. He never got the military on board and never did anything to consolidate power or shoot/disappear/etc political threats (the closest we got there was Portland, and I don’t really know how much was Il Douche vs enthusiastic, unsupervised federales).

Which is why I’m worried about the next guy to try this who will commit.


And I hate it here.

We all got very lucky this time. What happens when the next one is either more competent or more ruthless?



And slightly weaker institutions. Another 4 more years of Trump, so that the DOJ is suffused by Stephen Millers. Plus, Georgia Governor Kemp (and other battleground governors) being primaried out and replaced by even more Trumpy republicans. And perhaps we get a different result, and a successful coup.

I still don’t understand how Barr wasn’t on board with all this. It’s amazing that he’s fine with Trump attempting to bribe the Ukraine President (among other things), but “stop the steal” was a Trump too far. So he’s only 99.97% corrupt. That’s something, I guess.



Hey, it’s been less than a week since the peaceful transition of power took place. Let’s not claim defeat from the jaws of victory just yet. We’ve already seen more actual work being done at the White House than we saw in the last four years.


Woah! Good Nyborg!


If inciting an attempted coup doesn’t disqualify the transition of power’s peacefulness, I don’t want to see what does.

I’m going to have to insist that this wasn’t a peaceful transition of power. Trump and his minions certainly weren’t peaceful. Another indication was the amount of national guard soldiers we had to bring in to keep the place secure.

I mean, can we really call it a peaceful transition of power when the outgoing admin literally incited a violent insurrection to try to not have to do any transitioning at all?


Yup. 2+ century run is over. We’re on day 2 of a peaceful democracy again.


It’s a good thing we have The Squad in place to mete out swift justice to the GOP Axis of Evil.

I hope. :crossed_fingers:


my read is that he’s just not very smart. he was born rich, yet managed to wind up in debt to everybody. his biggest successes are buying existing golf courses, being a star on a reality tv show, and bullying his way to the presidency

i know i said it before, but he’s never actually built anything himself. everything about his life and his presidency reaks of dunning keller kruger*.

( and this is why we have to tax the hell out of the rich. it’s for their own good to actually have to work like the rest of us )

(* oops. well, at least it got the point across. who knew you could be both a social psychologist and an industrial smoother. )


im curious too. he seemed totally team trump until he wasn’t suddenly. i wonder if too close quarters with trump finally pulled the blinders off, or if the complete disaster of trump’s covid response had something to do eith it.


Little of the sly wit Barr displays in person emerges as he defends the president in television appearances and other interviews that, as the election approaches, have turned him into the president’s most effective campaign surrogate. Instead he often evinces the mien of the grouchy uncle. “Donald Trump is as much a tool of Bill Barr as Bill Barr is a tool of Donald Trump,” says Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general and Republican stalwart who served with Barr at the Department of Justice in the 1980s and has become one of his most prominent critics. “I think Barr sees Trump as an extraordinary opportunity to advance his agenda, which he’s had for many years, of making the president an autocrat.

If your president becomes the primary counter example to your pet theory, it’s hard to justify staying on. Though he must have a extraordinarily strong stomach. I do hope he at least becomes a pariah.