Originally published at: Chesebro also cops a plea | Boing Boing
His apology letter will be insincere hooey, of course. And the fine and sentence are way lower than this fascist scumbag deserves. But if his testimony can help put away von Clownstick it will all be worth it.
“Chesebro melts down after grilling”
The best part was about 7 hours earlier he not only declined the plea deal but also spent some time talking about it.
I would love to have been in the room when they came to him with a chance to…reconsider.
It’s kind of cool that you can do your best to overthrow an entire democracy and if you get caught you just have to write a letter saying you’re sorry.
I expect that if the testimony of his (alleged) co-conspirators does help convict Trump, large sections of the country will be suddenly outraged at the idea of a justice system where prosecutors can bribe criminals with lenient sentences in order to get them to flip on their accomplices. How is such a travesty of justice possible, they will demand to know, apparently having never noticed that it happens about a thousand times a week, mostly to defendants who have darker skins and rather less money than their idol.
I love it…human dominoes seem to fall at an accelerated pace after the first.
Incentive not to wallow in prison > Gravity.
The agreement also requires him to testify to any and all trials against his co-conspirators.
And, don’t forget, this is the Georgia trial. Anything he says is evidence for the Federal trial, which he’s already waived his 5th amendment right for by testifying.
These deals are good, but all of these people are still turbof*cked.
I believe I speak for most of us here when I say “Let the turbof*cking commence.”
Not discounting that they could be pinheads doing pinhead things for pinhead reasons, but wondering if Gaetz was trying to get Jordan in power to somehow stall Powell and Cheseboro testimony going forward. Jordan had been writing letters asserting investigative powers, attempting to scuttle Trump investigations in a manner outside his authority, maybe they felt they’d have a better shot if Jordan was speaker.
Wow, it only costs $5,000 to attempt to overthrow the US government? That’s a bargain these days.
I’ll feel like cheering if it ends up helping sink the Tangerine Shitgibbon, but right now I’m disgruntled by the lawyers who orchestrated this skating away scot-free. A couple thousand dollars in fines and probation? Hopefully this screws with their ability to practice law, at least.
That makes me feel better.
Wait until you see how little it takes to buy US politicians.
Then blame the prosecutor who gave him the deal… She obviously made the calculation that the ring-leader (you know, the guy who literally tried to install himself as dictator) was more important. Good. That was the right move.
We can get the small pawns, or we can take down the whole thing. I know which I’d prefer.
Too bad we can’t have it all.
You mean this?
Oh, I know it was the right move, but it’s like an iceberg where all the important stuff (that I could get excited about) is going on under the surface where we can’t see it, and the visible portion is just a bit shit.
It also happens when they go after RACKETEERS, aka organized criminals like The Mob and other delightful citizens. Which seems about right to me: what are Dump and his minions? Nothing but organized criminals.