There's a secret "black site" in New York where terrorism suspects are tortured for years at a time

Complain all you want, but until we get those torturers Bush, Cheney, and Giuliani out of office, not much is likely to change.


And some thought, “Hey, that’s a good idea!”


I’m sure Clinton will get right on it when elected!


I was thinking that a few dozen people could maybe infiltrate the place and close it down. It is worth a try, and more likely to succeed than simply complaining about it.

Land of the free and greatest country on earth you say…


Remember when we were the “Good Guys”?

Neither do I…

To quote Yahtzee Croshaw, “If the enemy propaganda doesn’t need to make stuff up, maybe reconsider your actions?”


I recall an anti-torture Presidential candidate back in 2008…


Hey, don’t let the US government get all the credit for being torturers!

was stripped of his UK passport by the British government while he was in Somalia

The British government is quite happy to enable and endorse torture too.

pssst - we are the bad guys.

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I disagree. We are not the national government. The national government is the villain.

The national or federal government was put in place by us - we the people. The only thing that can remove the people in the federal government is us - we the people.

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