Originally published at: These Durex ads from the 2000s are priceless | Boing Boing
Oh you tease.
You arouse our interest with three ads from what is clearly a series of at least six, but don’t link to the source.
We’ve been stiffed.
Hmm, seems like the person in the last ad is circumcised…
Well, the person in that last ad could just have a long prehensile tail.
(Honestly, even as a male that would make me far more jealous.)
Not the first time length was overpromised.
Kinda interested in the split tip of this tail…
So if I’m reading this right, the thesis here is: “Some ads are funny, and these funny ads are smutty. More ads should be funny and smutty!”
That logic is solid as far as it goes. But if you factor in how oppressively unfunny most ads are—and not for lack of trying—all I can say is that I’m glad they’re not also trying to titillate me.
Of course that could also be an ad for duct tape.
Ah, for people who want to roll your own.
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