Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/28/these-renditions-of-the-london-incidental-orchestras-every-zoom-call-ever-are-hilariously-brilliant.html
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I purposefully never ask, “can you see my screen”. It is so annoying. Everyone can see the screen 99.999999% of the time. And if someone can’t, they will let you know.
Other zoom tropes:
“Oh! What’s that in your background?” (or any commentary re: someone’s background, “I love that bookshelf,” etc.)
“I think you are on mute,” “Sorry I was on mute” “Hey ____ can you go on mute. we’re getting some background noise” “can everyone go on mute”
“This meeting ID is not valid. Please check and try again.”
- camera turning on and off as someone is “discretely” drinking bourbon during this call
- “Hey everyone, I’m sorry I have to hop off the call now. Keep talking, and I’ll catch up later.”
- “Everyone put (one of: where you are from, a random fact, questions) in the chat!”
- people randomly laughing on camera but on mute because they are in the backchannel roasting the current speaker
- "Sorry for the background noise (insert one of ‘the delivery guy just arrived,’ ‘my kids/pets are acting up,’ ‘construction’)
Some of these are from Teams, but IIRC Zoom has reactions as well. And I’ve seen all of these over the past three-four years we’ve been using it for meetings and such.
- Person raises their hand and never puts it back down
- video is not showing the person, but shows the background image that gets filled in behind them
- person is too quiet / loud on audio.
- what I can only describe as ‘two people using the same back-off timer and talking over each over more than once.’
- host not fully trained on how to use the features of the app to control the meeting, resulting in everyone getting muted, including them, and they don’t know how to umute themselves as a result
- person joining the call twice because they don’t have speakers/mic on the computer, only a camera, and using a dial-in connection for audio
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