Originally published at: These sneakers are woven by robots and have 3D-printed soles | Boing Boing
I like my athletic shoes made by human slaves, those machine slaves don’t know a damn thing about feet/running. /s
Don’t look very washable.
I’m getting a “Designed by computers. Built by Robots. Silenced by Lasers…” vibe.
but are they small batch artisinal?
Just you wait!
Adidas is claiming that they don’t use human slaves. About their place on the ASPI list:
My impression is that runners didn’t care much for the 4d sole. It’s heavy and doesn’t actually do anything cushion-wise other than look aesthetically pleasing. It would be neat if they could create the uppers to the exact dimensions of your feet for a racing shoe.
The shoes look interesting at a cursory glance. Sneakers are one of the few areas where digital manufacturing is likely to fully live up to the hype in the near future.
I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that Adidas is hoping, here, to smother that innovation in its crib. Making impressive but unrealistic shoes with a $10 million robot is a good way to head off all the small outfits who are about to start making just slightly less impressive shoes with $10,000 robots.
Once that takes off, big shoe brands will become the cheesy boy bands in a world that suddenly has a teeming indie scene – they’ll still have a big market, but they’ll never be the tastemakers again. So when Adidas or Nike seem to embrace this new technology, it makes me think of 90s Microsoft “embrace – extend – extinguish”.
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