They said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's message wouldn't play in the midwest, now she and Bernie are headed to Kansas


Joe Lieberman. Who left the Democratic party over a decade ago. And hasn’t held office in 5 years. And openly flirted with/negotiated based on threats to caucus with the Republicans. And generally spent as much time over the last 2 decades cozying up to the GOP as human possible. And pretty much campaigned for Trump.

Is the democratic establishment?

Its also exactly what I’d expect out of some one so experienced in tossing his own purported allies under the bus.


“It’s the dirty red Russkies, stupid.”


the Democratic establishment, who are pulling out all the stops to put a centrist, banker-friendly Democrat on the ballot.

Her name is Sharice David, a Native American woman from the district, a former Obama official, an out lesbian, and a former MMA fighter. Oh, and by any reasonable measure a progressive Funny how you made her disappear like you did.

Brent Welder’s big qualification is that he once worked for Bernie Sanders, which is how he could get Sander to come to Kansas to bigfoot a perfectly good candidate.

“Yes, but will it get them off their tractors?”

Well… we got nice sunsets… and sunflowers… and waves of amber grain…

Though technically I live just across the border now.

There is a left constituency in the red states. There always has been.


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