They're making Ghostbusters merch for the neckbeards who complained non stop about the Paul Feig remake

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Not enough swastikas for the brony crowd these days. :roll_eyes:


Has the brony fandom become overly toxic? That’s sad… my daughter’s first big fandom was MLP. I have sooooo many drawings she did of ponies, including Barack Obama as a pony and the cast of the A-Team as ponies!


The biggest fandom image board Is currently experiencing an enormous explosion of Free Speech Absolutists and right-wing ideologies arguing that censoring Nazi imagery is actually the real fascism and what about ACAB and communism and refusing to comprehend that an open and friendly community based around a children’s television show is possible without having to tolerate the presence of Nazis whether they’re “ironic” or not. All thanks to an article in The Atlantic that called out that this has been an ongoing problem.

It’s fucking exhausting.


here’s the atlantic article

and if you don’t like the atlantic

and rt stirs the shit


ive run into this argument in recent weeks… about taking down nazi shit as “censorship”. I don’t buy it. you can speak all day but no one owes you a platform on a privately owned website, bot even one as ubiquitous as facebook.


I’m confused. How does Hasbro combining My Little Pony and Ghostbusters reject Paul Feig’s wonderful remake? If anything, it seems more geared toward the remake since MLP is a franchise targeted at young girls.


Because white dudes can’t stand anything cool that isn’t for them?


Not at all. I just meant that my understanding is that Bonnie Zacherle geared the franchise to be of benefit to young women, which seems like a good thing but certainly doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t enjoy it too. While I probably don’t qualify as a Brony since I’m not involved in the fandom, I am a fan. I introduced my sister to it and she didn’t get it, but my niece did.

I’m not involved in the fandom, but I know there’s been a toxic troll problem plaguing Brony fandom for a while that needs to sock it to the Nazis a la the 80s’ punk scene.

I just wasn’t sure how this mash-up from Hasbro catered to those trolls. MLP and 2016 Ghostbusters seem like an empowering combination to me, but it’s entirely possible I’m missing some subtext to it.


WTH is wrong with people? It’s a cleverly written and well-animated show about ponies and the magic of friendship. There’s a special circle in hell for people who hijack with fascism and toxic masculinity. Liking cuteness isn’t creepy, but policing kids and adults into traditional gender norms definitely is.


Man, even through the Cold War I thought “Nazis suck!” would always remain one of the few things the United States and Russia could always agree on.


I apologize for giving the impression that’s what I meant. I only meant that my (possibly misinformed) understanding is that the creator of MLP intended to create a show to empower young women and that, while I very much like the show, I as a white male don’t want to appropriate it. But I absolutely think anyone can and should feel free to enjoy it.

Anyway, hopefully that better explains what I meant than my previous flubbed reply yesterday.

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The show’s definitely aimed first and foremost at young girls, sure. But the makers have been very clear that they’re happy to have boys watching it, as well as parents (there are a lot of jokes and references that the target audience is going to miss), and basically anyone who’s interested.

So does the pony fandom have a Nazi problem? In a way, yes; these days you get Nazis in any sufficiently big online fandom, trying to recruit vulnerable people and being generally shitty. Are they a big problem? No, they’re a tiny and toxic minority that most of the fandom has no time for.

The big problem, such as it is, are all the dudes (and it’s almost entirely men, as usual) with the shallow and entitled libertarian-absolutist ideas of free speech, who get all angry when people try to get rid of Nazis, because they think the right to spew hate is more important than the right to not be exposed to that kind of shit. They are, again, a minority, but they’re much bigger one than the out-and-out Nazis and such.

Personally, I just can’t figure out how the hell you can be a fan of MLP:FiM, even at a remove, and a white supremacist / Nazi. The show is explicit about diversity being not just morally correct but a source of strength, about equality not meaning enforced sameness, about the importance of coming together, and so on. But people, I’ve noticed, are all too good at Doing It Wrong.


Aye, it seems to be a deliberate effort to poison the fandom well.

And hasn’t the creator said as much? I agree art is for everyone; I just don’t want to appropriate something merely because I’m a fan. Possibly I’m being overly cautious, but a sense of entitlement seems to run through a lot of the privileged toxicity in fandoms.


The swastika crowd’s strategy is to take over innocuous things - the okay sign, Hawaiian shirts etc.

It’s to slip past people and make their vileness seem less revolting - if only for a short while. And to chortle about displaying themselves publicly while having deniability for a while.


Yeah, it happens. But some of those guys are just dense motherfuckers who are incapable of introspection or nuance, and don’t realize they don’t make any sense, and Twilight Sparkle would shoot a rainbow laser of friendship into their faces five minutes after meeting them. (It’s better than what Starlight Glimmer would do, but probably not as hilarious for the audience.)

Again, yeah, there’s shitty entitlement going about, but that’s sadly part and parcel of fandoms. Personally, I don’t think you can appropriate something like My Little Pony, but being concerned about that kind of stuff is understandable, especially these days when bad people seem to be crawling out of woodwork to celebrate their badness.


No, I know. I’m saying that they are stamping their feet and demanding that mass media be about and for them, rather than other groups.

Yes. It’s not others who aren’t young girls watching it that’s the problem. It’s grown men demanding that the show be for them primarily and acting in shitty ways towards the demographic the show was intended for.

And it’s often shaped by misogyny and racism. White men have been told for so long that our cultural industries are for and about them, that when there is a push to diversify, some inevitable melt down.


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