Originally published at: This 53-second video is a glimpse through the doors of perception | Boing Boing
Me: “Mom, I wanna go see a Christopher Nolan film.”
Mom: “We can make a Christopher Nolan film at home.”
I was about 99% sure a Rick Roll was gonna be on there…
Not to be too nitpicky, but credit where it’s due: the person who made the video is apparently named Greg Murphy. Johann Johannsson, while having a nice recursive name, is the composer of the soundtrack to the movie Mandy, where the audio for this video was taken from.
Did you blink?
I’m wondering if there is a genre called “Jankpunk”; if not, there should be. Something like “Glitchpunk” but more low-fi.
Pretty cool. If you like this, check out the Love, Death, Robots episode called “The Witness” similar concept, way cooler graphics!
It takes a second to clear the threshold.
Reminds me a bit of the movies Resolution and The Endless.
I’m a big fan of those movies and would love to see another.
Very much like Lost Highway’s found VHS cassette sequence, which is one of the scariest things ever on film imo
What is David Cronenberg up to these days?
Oops. The artist’s name is Gregory Murphy.
You would know.
Cool film!
Both of these things are true.
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