This battery manager can help you get a lot more life out of an Apple Silicon MacBook

Originally published at: This battery manager can help you get a lot more life out of an Apple Silicon MacBook | Boing Boing

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AccuBattery or similar will notify when you get to a desired level of charge, but you have to unplug manually.

Closest thing to automatic I’ve found is Chargie but still have to install an app and deal with another piece of hardware, and seems like it could quickly be a lot of trouble.

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I would like this for my Pixel 6, but Google didn’t include it. So I use one of these. It sits between my phone and the charger, talks to a phone app via Bluetooth, and turns off the juice when the battery gets to 90%. It turns it back on if it falls below 87%. (These limits can be adjusted.)

I’ve had this phone for sixteen months. The measured battery capacity is 98%.

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I don’t have an Apple product anymore, but I used to have a macbook for work, and I will say, it has pretty darn good battery life.

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It’s not quite the same thing, but on your iPhone it’s possible to use Shortcuts to let you know when your battery is at a given level. Create an Automation, and select “Battery Level” as the trigger. I have this set to tell me when my phone has reached 80%. Make sure you haven’t disabled Optimized Battery Charging, either, this tries to learn from your behaviour to ensure you don’t top up your battery if you don’t need it.

AlDente is another one.

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I have Sailfish OS on my mobile phone, and it comes with the option of limiting charging to 80% or 90% of the battery capacity (with a one-time override if the full charge is needed). No additional app required.

My 7-year-old Lenovo notebook runs Linux and its battery has always been charged up to 80% only. That battery is still doing fine; the loss in capacity from when it was new is quite minimal.

Now that we’ve proven to extend battery life by limiting charge up to only 80% (and discharge to 20%) I wish manufacturers would just set those to be 100% and 0% out of the factory, with an “extra capacity boost” to let you charge your device to “120%” when you know you have a long day out. Consumers would then know that this would probably stress the battery more than needed and use it sparingly.

I have a friend who never kept his iphone (all the way back to iphone 3gs) plugged in overnight. He would only charge it up when he was awake, and often never to 100%. His batteries lasted quite a while.


I would like this on my phone, but at least Google does have it’s “adaptive battery charging”, where if you plug it in overnight, it will limit the charging speed so that it trickle charges to be full just before your morning alarm goes off. Slow charging damages a battery less than fast charging.

Some of the Anker chargers have this built in as well. I think UGreen and other manufacturers have a similar technology.

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