Originally published at: This delightful fan-made Dune role-playing game is only one page | Boing Boing
I feel like choosing “yellow gel filter” as your trademark expression would be a potential game breaker. Especially if you’re playing a Fremen.
While this was a funny parody, note that there are actual real one-page RPGs that are real games and which could actually be played like the ones going on for hundreds of pages.
You walk with rhythm and attract the worm
(Giant nom)
Game Over
would you like to play again? Y/N
This is really nicely thought out. I like games with characterful and appropriate attribute names and descriptions. The Expression rule is an elegant method of getting demeanour in to the game mechanics.
To succeed at being poor, being scrappy or understanding desert life, roll above your Drug score.
Save versus Drug to see whether you walk with rhythm.
I think the Dune one-pager would be totally playable. It’s goofy, but the mechanics seem sound.
Very ‘Lasers and Feelings’ vibe with a few extra elements. And appropriately tongue in cheek. Always good.
But not one Bonny Dune among them, sad.
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