This digital ruler is the gadget that just gave measurement a 21st century makeover

Or start it with any real precision at the begining / ending point.

Or, god forbid, measure across an empty gap you are cutting something to fit into! That’s like, 95% of what you measure for when building stuff…


I just deigned to look it up and apparently it’s manual when powering on: one click to add the radius, two to add the diameter, and three for the raw measurement.


yes but is it cloud connected with a subscription fee? what about butthole recognition? Please oh please, I want to report my every measurement to AWS.

Lol i got this 15 meter measuring tape, it works like a charm. No batteries required.

as someone who has launched a few failed indiegogos, if you don’t hire a really smart and powerful marketing agent, you’re not doing it right. Raising a ton of money on there is proof that you are good at convincing strangers to throw money at you. Many times it doesn’t really matter how good your product is if you can’t explain it in the “correct” way. so if they’re raising 200K on indiewhatever, they’re just good at selling, and/or had the capital to hire a seller.


Thank you ,
I was going to point to the dictionary definition of a ruler. This is not a ruler.


Thanks. Your service is appreciated. :wink:
Silly of them not to specifically mention it in their promotional video.

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“the new and improved metric system of meters”

It was introduced in France in the 1790’s, so it’s basically as old as the United States, which makes it older than “US customary units”.

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Sorry, as others already stated: This may be nice to measure a curved surface where start and endpoint are on the outside, besides that, too limited use to replace a good tape measure. And as I don’t need two measuring devices, I stick with the tape.

I don’t like your fancy units. I measure everything in pencils. And every time I measure something I write down the length. I write so much I have to sharpen my pencil often. And I have the strange sense that everything in the universe is getting bigger.


It’s using a digital encoder on a roller … a 20th century invention. But roller measurement goes back millennia
Reconstruction of Hero’s odometer, 1st century AD, Alexandria

Edit: Here’s a DIY version

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Exactly. This is nothing new, it just looks flashier than previous models.

Ah, Indiegogo. Land of poorly rendered, mostly useless (if not actual vaporware) gadgets for people with more money than sense.

No good. That fat blue light that indicates the start point is too wide to provide any sort of accuracy. Now, if it had an eye that could blow up your starting point and display it on that OLED screen, I’d be sold.

Personally, I measure things in units of fetuses and ninjas.

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What might actually be useful would be a pair of pucks which report the distance between them using something indistinguishable from magic. But for some reason this seems to be a hard thing to do accurately and reliably and cheaply.

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Yet, sadly, we do seem to have a few pretenders to that throne.

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