This grammar app can fix all your typos, bad punctuation, sentence disasters, and more automatically

Originally published at:

Thanks but, me doesn’t need help with grammer


Or just use the grammar check in Word. It’ll even toss in the word count function for free!

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Does it come with a bullshit generator?
I’m considering writing ad copy as a sideline.


Cool! Let’s go to their web site and take a closer look.

Here are five reasons why you should use WhiteSmoke

Hit me!

  1. WhiteSmoke renders you with the highest quality proofreading abilities available

Wait, it renders me with them? Like you might render animal fat with a steam digester? No thank you. Now if it rendered them to me, that would be different. (“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.”)

Carrying on with reason #1:

Grammar plays an important role in what kind of impression you give – in some cases, like Kyle Wiens - CEO of iFixit says, it could cost you your job

What is going on with those dashes? My best guess is that the first one is used as an alternative to a colon, and the second is introducing a parenthesis, but has lost its partner (“Grammar plays an important role in what kind of impression you give: in some cases, like Kyle Wiens – CEO of iFixit – says, it could cost you your job”).

Also, it looks like the first is an en dash and the second a hyphen, but I guess that’s technically a typographical error rather than a grammatical one.

Moving on:

  1. The best English writing tool on the market
    WhiteSmoke’s technology and software have been reviewed for its linguistic capabilities and overall benefits by the largest educational firms around the world, and has been rated as the number-one solution for English grammar, style, spelling and punctuation corrections on the market.

Oh come on. Is the subject singular or plural? This is basic, basic stuff.

Maybe they don’t use their own tool on their website copy?


I came merely to comment that…

If you read through text composed by inferior writers

…appearing on a BBShop post was the ultimate irony.

And props to @SheiffFatman for even taking the time to dissect the bilge that passes for copy.

Maybe??? :wink:


Needs to be encapsulated in a rhyming aphorism:

Before correcting grammatic uses,
Best mind one’s own Ps and Qses.


Well. the other possibility is that it’s not very good.


Well, there’s always that very remote possibility, I guess. :wink:


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