People who don’t get up to freeway speed on the onramp are immoral.
That one pisses me off pretty bad. Especially at night where they are putting me at risk of getting rear ended and also blinding me at the same time.
Hah, as if American drivers are cooperative enough to zipper merge.
Sounds great on paper, but the truth is: the average driver including myself, sometimes can’t handle a five way stopsign much less zipper merging on the fly.
I’m glad it was all rainy and overcast in his video. That means he doesn’t drive in my state. I’d rather hear driving tips from someone who didn’t rear-end another driver. Also, who is this guy? What makes him the wrestling coach/driver’s ed instructor?
BTW, ‘speed limit’ means limit. Faster than the limit is illegal. I’m not trying to change your minds about speeding, because those who advocate it will never change. However, that is the definition that the police and state troopers are working from, so exceeding the speed limit is going to be an expensive difference of opinion with law enforcement and your insurance company.
As my Grandfather said - “just because the speed limit is 30 doesn’t mean you have to go that fast”.
Clearly fake, then. It is always a Vauxhall Zafira, as any fule Kno.
This is the whole game–everybody else is supposed to drive the prevailing speed, even if it’s above the posted limit, and if the prevailing speed happens to be slower than our possessor of excess horsepower wants to be going, then everyone should get the hell out of the way. It’s almost like the prevailing speed argument is a cynical excuse for tailgating and behaving like a sociopath…
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