Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/12/this-meditation-cushion-is-the.html
Does the Dali Lama need one?
Why can’t you just meditate in a regular chair?
My atman is my… Bro, man this pillow is comfy!
Wow, I never knew I couldn’t meditate while working on something, or eating, or crapping, and that I needed a special pillow to do it! Thanks consumerism! I have now gained capitalist enlightenment!
Real computer users meditate this way! (see third paragraph)
I got nervous when it said made in NY, and sure enough… you could probably be picky and still find something at half or less that price.
I don’t understand what is supposed to be the difference between this and any other zafu. You can purchase a zafu from EndlessKnot or ZenStitchery for half as much money and actually support an individual who is trying to lead a meditative life.
The Walden just adds a layer of memory foam on top of the more traditional buckwheat hulls. Buckwheat-filled cushions are damn comfortable and conform to your butt just fine. This is gimmicky. I don’t think Thoreau would approve.
It kind of seems antithetical for there to be a “right way” to find your zen.
TIL, I’ve been meditating wrong the whole time! Thanks bOINGbOING store for getting my spiritual life back on track!
I saved a lot of money by doing my morning meditation in bed laying out in the corpse pose (shavasana) and focusing on gratitude over and over again.
There is no zen on the cushion but the zen you bring there.
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