NB: These people live in a place call Hinds County.
I’ll drink to that.
Bottoms up!
I saw that! The hilarity of having to respond to a reprimand for reading a book about a butt by emailing someone at name@hinds.etc is just too much.
The writers of this timeline are earning their pay today!
working as intended then. capricious standards and arbitrary enforcement are a bang up way of achieving and maintaining power over others
Someone needs to post up some signs around the school and the school district office reading “Delesicia Martin needs a new BUTT.”
I work at a library and for the kids’ October/Halloween book display, I put out a nice selection our “gross” books. I figured Halloween is a bit of a topsy-turvey “deviant” holiday and for kids, it can tend be more gross than scary anyway. So I put out books on farts, poop, barf, butts, stupid jokes, slugs, fungus, slime etc. One of my coworkers designed a sign with a picture of a big green ooze reading a book. The patrons loved it.
Maybe Ms. Martin can read 'Mein Kampf" for the kids next week?
Right? Let’s toss them a Bible and let them tear it up, deciding which parts would be acceptable to read to the kids. Then make them defend their (gasp) banning the bible in school!!!
It’s interesting that they are #4 in preschool enrollment, but #43 overall. The other Top 5 in preschool enrollment are all in the Top 5 overall.
Is this superintendent under the impression that this was NOT a book intended for children?? I mean…
And nobody has yet said…
Christ, what a butthole!
That would make a great condolence card, should the ass. principal contest the firing and win!
TL:DR Ms Martin, “I have no sense of humour, and you are fired.”
Sheer perfection
And if you want to interest young kids in reading, you let them read (or be read to) books that include things like farts and butts.
I for one hated the whole “Captain Underpants” series, but GirlChild loved them, and they encouraged her to read. Now she;s a voracious pre-teen reader that’s going to put me in the poorhouse with her book habit.
(it’s not so much fart jokes nowadays as much as it is fantasy books about magic and supernatural horror)
Except me. I’m in front of a big behind.