Originally published at: This parking lot in Hawaii seems designed to get your car ticketed and towed | Boing Boing
Not saying you’re wrong about the towing goal, but of the signs I could see, they seemed like pretty standard stuff, mostly related to the parking lot indemnifying itself. Aside from using your car for camping and/or not displaying a ticket, I didn’t see any gotchas that are likely to get unsuspected people towed.
How can one display a receipt on the dashboard when paying by phone?
Isn’t it obvious? You turn off the screen saver and leave your phone turned on and on your dash. I hope you have enough battery…
I’m sure the locals know to avoid this parking lot. It looks like it’s designed to turn tourists into ATMs.
some parking areas in Key West like that and they all make you pay by phone.
it’s the shits parking on that island, which makes doing county business that can only be accomplished at the courthouse there doubly unpleasant.
love/hate Key West.
Presumably the parking enforcement agent can use a device to call up a list of which cars/license plates have paid, and for how long, and can ticket and/or tow those which have either expired or have not paid at all, and don’t show a receipt from the machine on the dashboard.
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