This portable air conditioner puts out all the cooling power of a home unit at a fraction of the size

Those evil dinosaurs deserve it! We’re providing the hell the bible-thumping dinosaur preachers scared their congregations with.

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I suspect someone would have already marketed something like this if it were possible, but I wonder if a unit could be made that has a large heat-absorbent core surrounded by insulation. Air conditioner dumps heat into it during afternoon, insulation keeps it contained from the environment, then you can vent the heat out whenever you decide, preferably it could be wheeled outside. Although I imagine whatever material dense enough to hold that much heat might be too heavy to move around. But I don’t know if this would even pass back-of-the-napkin calculations.

I have also noticed that.
swamp coolers =/= AC
especially down here in the way way south Florida where daily humidity is running 70-80%. no way a swamp cooler is going to cool uncle jethro’s trailer any more than a bucket of ice in front of a fan. just adds more humidity and that is miserable!

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2300btu is shit. That is 1/3 rd the BTU (if they are even telling the truth) needed to cool a tiny room


It’s anti-thanks to the cavalcade of corrupt products that I read less and less of boingboing.


The secret, IMO, is to find a way to use all that heat. I mean, we cool down our air, but then we warm the water to take a shower. Why not just exchange heat with a water container so that it gets part of the heat we take away from a room, then release it to the water we’ll use to take a shower? Of course that would just raise its temperature by a few degrees, still that would be less energy spent to fill that gap.

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In Elite Dangerous there are heatsink launchers you can put on your ship.

It’ll dump all your ship’s excess thermal energy into a 1 meter by 1 meter ultradesnse cylindrical ceramic puck, then spits the white hot heat sink out.

Excellent for when you use heat generating weapons like plasma launchers and rail guns. Also pretty useful if you crash into a stellar corona.

IRL we already use thermal sinks and heat exchangers in geothermal climate control systems for a house.

Turns out the dirt under your foundation is a really big thermal mass and remains pretty much the same temp year round, so you can dump extra heat from the house into it during the summer, and pull heat out of it in the winter.

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