This PSA told me that if you smoke pot, you might become flat (literally)

I was gonna say, first time I made my own oil and had a bit too much while testing it, I felt pretty much like that.


One time I went to Shoreline for a show and when I got to my seat there was a dude sitting next to me who was staring ahead and seemingly comatose. I was like “hey, man what’s up?” Nothing.
About a half hour later he pulled a joint out and shared it with me. Then both of us were staring straight ahead comatose.


YMMV. If I was flat Sara I’d be ruminating over something I said 30 minutes ago.


A friend of mine loved that there was a great joke already in the name. Just add an s and a colon.

“Drugs: Abuse Resistance Education”

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I remember a local DJ in San Diego in the early 1980s getting drunk on air as a warning against drunk driving. It was intended to show how easy it was to get impaired more quickly than one might think. It was intended to be anti-drinking, but he sure sounded like he was having fun.

So, this really resonated:

Yeah, the best part about this ad is that somebody was obviously drawing from first hand experience for inspiration.


And possibly also during the planning, filming and editing.


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