Originally published at: This anti-drug PSA will bring you right back to the 80s | Boing Boing
I remember my friends discussing this commercial and saying they wish their parents were cool enough to use drugs. Then in high school when I had a friend whose parents smoked pot, he’d complain that he’d have to hide his stash because they would search his room and smoke it themselves.
I’ve always wondered what the content of the cigar box was. It’s as if it was kept a mystery on purpose, much like the briefcase in "Pulp Fiction".
I routinely use this quote when my British wife tries to lecture me about American racism.
Can’t win for losing in this drug game!
They missed an opportunity to use the same message to teach teens other important lessons, such as “I heard you and your friends talking about girls last night. You need to protect yourself from AIDS. Why didn’t you wear a condom?”
On second thought, maybe that’s just a shitty message.
father is disappointed b/c his old dealer was arrested and thought his son could get him a new hook up.
Deja Vu:
Yeah I guess in my mind it was always heroin needles or some other kind of drug that involved some kind of learned technique to administer. “Who taught you how to use a joint?” doesn’t even make sense. Even rewatching it now I’m not quite sure what’s supposed to be in that box.
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