This smart mat might be the smartest dog interpreter you’ll ever own

Originally published at: This smart mat might be the smartest dog interpreter you'll ever own | Boing Boing

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I use the metal bells hanging from the door knob, doggo goes up to door, noses the bells, human opens door so doggo goes potty outside. Simple & cheap. Not $50.00 US. more like $2 bucks at a discount store…


We do the same. Had been an Exmas decoration. Dog when I was a kid started jingling them to get our attention.

So we all just started training subsequent dogs to do the same.


will this smart mat text you “Too Late” if it’s whizzed upon by dog?

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Had to check the return policy. The link to the return policy from the checkout page is broken. Seems settled.

Professor Schwartzman figured out the dig interpreter decades ago.

/ “Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

This smart mat might be the smartest dog interpreter you’ll ever own

Algorithm’s broken.

All free.

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Goes together with that punk 5-point harness. And dog eyeliner and cuffs.

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