This useful website helps you find recipes based on the content of your fridge

Originally published at: This useful website helps you find recipes based on the content of your fridge | Boing Boing

Reboing. The Popkinbug strikes again!


It is becoming almost predictable. Shall we start a thread where people guess which Popkin post is RePopkinBoinged next?

Also, I did a search that creates the page where all Popkin posts are listed in order. Once I got to the bottom of page 2 and clicked ‘Next’, I was taken back to the top of page 2. A cynic (moi? perish the thought!) might wonder if this was deliberate, to stop people finding all the dupes too easily.

Typing 3 into the URL, replacing the 2 - gets to page 3. Click ‘Next’ again and you are back to the top of page 2. Same with typing any other page number in - you can get to the page with this manual method but ‘Next’ goes back to page 2 every time.

@orenwolf - is this a glitch or by design. (And are the editors driving this repetitive posting, or have they just not noticed it?)


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