This useful website helps you find recipies based on the content of your fridge

Originally published at: This useful website helps you find recipies based on the content of your fridge | Boing Boing


Right now I have an aloe Vera energy drink and some fusiili pasta and half a bottle of bbq sauce. :thinking:


Don’t discount the possibility of BBQ noodles! Needs a dark green veg to go with it, or even in it. Broccoli or peas would work.


Well, I do have half a bag of peas in the freezer. Until I ran out of mayonnaise, that’s what I was doing for cold pasta salad.


What is the name of the website? Is there a link?

What is the name of the website? Is there a link?

Yeah…a link to the main site might be nice. I don’t like avocados, even with bacon.


I am immediately skeptical of recipe quality given that their quite limited “ingredient” list includes Oreos and Doritos.

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What would be nice is to be able to take a picture of your store receipt and add that to your inventory. Then you just go back and look at a variety of recipes you have as options. Or is this sort of thing available already somewhere?

There is “a thing” here in Tijuana where folks pile up a bunch of random snack foods like corn chips, pieces of melon or other fruit and slather it with salsas. Anything goes!


Take one box brownie mix, add one egg, ¼ cup water, and ⅓ cup vegetable oil. Combine with a spoon until thoroughly blended.
Stir in one cup kitty litter.
Bake for 40 minutes.
Cool completely in pan before cutting and serve drizzled with dish detergent and a sprinkle of crushed light bulbs.

:wink: Just kidding, of course. It’s a good idea. Presumably they could distinguish between food and non-food items.

Totally with you on the not liking Avocado.

To me it tastes like soap,

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Not that useful. For instance, nothing involving mould.
But how do they know I keep my yellowcake in the fridge?


How I Met Your Mother Foodgasm GIF

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And you didn’t make BBQ Vera pasta! C’mon dude!

How about a website where you just take a picture of your fridge and/or pantry and it gives you a list of recipes?

ala “Door Knock Dinner” with Gordon Elliot.

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