This video shows that "natural" produce is anything but natural

Actually when I grow my own food it taste much better and looks better then anything I would find in most stores. In fact I had a friend who had a bunch of extra tomatoes. I almost forgot what they really taste like because the flavor was so strong. It was almost to hard to eat because it was so juicy. Most fruit and Vegetables have no real flavor, ( at one time you did not need to use tons of spices on your food but salt and pepper) is usually dry or mushy ( when it should be firm or firm when it should be soft. I don’t when was the last time I had a real good fresh peach. Small farmers need to work more toward working within their local store and restaurants to sell their food. People want food that goes directly from small farmer to town instead of processed crap needed for transportation time ect to make the product last. The last farmers market within 2 hours most of the food had been sold and their was only slim pickings. It is like that with most of the farmers markets around here and if people could get their food in that form and sold at fair cost ( which would be about the same as the regular crap because their would be less cost in transport and chemical needed to preserve the item) farmer would have no problem getting rid of there food. It think the chemicals that is in our food is one of the leading cause of all these autoimmune disease that have popped up in this country in the last 20 to 30 years. In other countries that serve better food do not have near the number of their people getting these diseases even though they are also a industrialized country. In this country safety has been passed over in the name of excessive profits.

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" Flossy isn’t a “regular” user account, rather a generative style ai like wordsalad “poet”, or is it? speculation as to whether the posts are truly “generated” or “hand crafted” abound, bot or human, nonsense or deep insights, you decide! "
                    ~ Guide to the weird corners of BB (latest edition)
:wink: wouldn’t expect a reply from Flossy or take a Flossy comment to seriously.


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