Originally published at: This website lets you randomly connect two Russian bureaucrats by phone to waste their timw | Boing Boing
My reading of the page is that it connects us to a random Russian bureaucrat via the webpage. Not two of them to each other.
(See the “I donʼt know Russian. Should I call anyway?” section.)
If it did connect them to each other that would be a lot better.
As much as I like the idea, I couldn’t find anywhere on the site that says you’re connecting two bureaucrats with each other, and it’s out of office hours now so I can’t test it. It sounds like it just connects you to someone.
My once-Moscovite (living in New Jersey now) coworker refers to this as “What a fun!”
Can we robo call them, say like millions of times a day?
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As of right now (18:56 UTC, 18-MAY-2022) the site isn’t loading anyway.
How do you say: “Do you have 10 minutes to talk about your car insurance? Mudak Insurance can save you up to 20%!” in Russian.
This Scheherezade?
If only there was an American version of this during the Iraq War!
In Soviet Russia, you waste bureaucrat’s time!
Doesn’t seem to work. Needs me to follow their twitter account, but can’t tell that I am and so doesn’t do the thing.
Just use two phones taped together, one upside down.
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They mean that you should follow them on Twitter to know when the site is working again.
Sorry, but we still need to find one last issue, before we can start calling russians again. Follow us on Twitter @ringringrussia for updates!
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